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are you a complete idiot. just because they dont tan doesnt mean they cant be harmed by the uv rays, they still need to protect their skin. retard.

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Q: Do black people need to wear sunscreen?
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Why do people need to wear sunscreen at the beach?


What did people wear to block the sun?

People wear clothes, hats, and sunscreen to block the sun.

When was Wear Sunscreen created?

Wear Sunscreen was created in 1998.

What do people wear in Zambia?

People in Zambia wear dresses, jackets, jerseys, and for safaris it is recommended to wear brown/green/khaki and wear sunscreen, sunglasses and insect repellent.

Why should scientists wear sunscreen if they are working outdoors?

because they are people.

I would consider myself emo but people say they wear black ALL the time is this true?

You don't need to wear black all the time to be emo.

Can babies under six months wear sunscreen?

No. Babies under 6 months should not wear sunscreen. Check with your doctor if you have further questions.

Name something people wear to protect themselves?

Coat, helmet, jockstrap, bulletproof vest, hat, sunscreen

What sunscreen not to wear?

you should not wear the banana boat sunscreen because it has retinyl and that can cause somewhat skin aging and or skin cancer for adults. i think only the kids should wear it.

What was the name of the 1998 Baz Lurham track containing advice on sunscreen?

Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Should we wear sunscreen on the beach?

Yes, protection from the sun is very important at all times. The Infrared radiation coming from the sun can sunburn your skin and/or give you skin cancer.

What is the recommended amount of sunscreen to use for protection?

You need about a shot glass full to cover the average person. More or less to size. You must re-apply often as most sunscreen "wear off" after a few hours.