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Nope. I believe that I am of NA ancesty. I have reddish brown hair with golden hightlights. My skin is medium tan.

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Yes we do, I have gray and black hair

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Yes. We do

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Q: Do native Americans get gray hair prematurely?
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What Native Americans were named for their curly hair?

The Shoshone

Do native American men have facial hair?

Native Americans do not grow nearly as much facial hair as Europeans or Africans. It takes them a very long time to grow a beard. Their facial hair may just grow a half an inch or less over the course of two months! Their facial hair is also very thin.

What word describes native people?

Native Americans have dark skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. Their hair is usually straight. That said, there are Native Americans with blue eyes, lighter skin and hair. It is difficult to make any generalizations about any broad ethnic group. There are variations depending on the tribe and region just as there are differences between northern and southern Europeans.

What are some physical traits of American people?

Americans don't really have physical trait because they are like "an American melting pot" so there are many nationality mixes but Americans usually have very strait teeth because it is extremely common to have braces as a kid. Native Americans are very tan and have thick black hair but pure native Americans are very hard to find because of the United states history.

Why is Native Americans' hair long?

Generally, there was very little significance of long hair to American Indian males. People place too much importance on hair styles for men. As with all society, how the Indian wore his hair depended upon what was in style at the time and subject to change and independent belief. It is believed that it was very important to Native American males to have long hair. They felt that having long hair was like having a sixth sense, that it eenhanced their abilities to protect themselves. When the Native Americans were enlisted in the military, people noticed that the ones who had long hair, were able to sense attackers and things out of the ordinary more easily. Those who had military haircuts, could not sense such things. There for, they believed long hair was sort of like a defence mechanism.

Related questions

What Native Americans were named for their curly hair?

The Shoshone

What is the native American word for gray?

There are many different Native American languages. Some of the Native American words for gray are: Koasati: stokhatka Tsalagi (Cherokee): unega eusti Lakota: ȟóta (gray or grayish) sán (gray hair) Navaho: łibá Choctaw: okchamali

Time line about Native Americans?

they are people with feathers in there hair

Why does hair get white or gray and how can it be prevented?

Hair goes gray or white when melanin is stopped being produced in the follicle. Melanin produces colour. There is no way to stop this. They say that smokers are 4 times more likely to prematurely go gray, so if you smoke maybe think about giving it up. Look hair up in Wikipedia to get all the facts.

Do native Americans have facial hair?

Generally, Native Americans have little facial hair. They are closely related to people from Asia who also have little or no facial hair.

Is the spelling of gray hair gray or grey?

That depends on what part of the world you are from. The English spell it 'grey' and the Americans spell it 'gray'. in Ireland we spell it grey xx

What did the Native Americans of the plains from the buffalo's sinew and hair?

The Native Americans of the "Plains" made "Tepees, Whips, Clothes, and other items such as tools and Drums" [ETC]

Does dying your hair make you gray early?

No, dying your hair with FDA approved standard dying agents, available to the general public, does not make you prematurely gray. Heredity is a primary factor in premature graying. Others may include certain diseases, nutrient deprivation and vitamin deficiencies, stress...

What did leif erikson do for the native Americans?

yes he pooped on their land and peed in their hair

Why does my 13 year old have grey hairs?

Gray hair is genetic and not a sign of stress. Your hair doesn't turn gray it grows that way. Caucasians tend to go gray earlier and redheads earliest of all. Then Asians. Then African-Americans.

Was Osceola a girl or a boy?

He is a boy. Native americans had long hair even boys

Do Indians people relax there hair?

Why do you need to know? When you say "indian" are you referring to the people of India or Native Americans. Well it doesn't matter because Native Americans and East Indians as well as Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have naturally straight hair.