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No you have to be thirteen or older.

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Q: Do they allow people under thirteen on YouTube?
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Are there people on Facebook who are under thirteen?

Yes, there are. People lie about there age.

Where can you play Virtual Hogwarts games without age limits?

Most websites will not allow people under the age of thirteen to register due to child protection laws in America. The popular Harry Potter RPG's tend to conform to this. Children under the age of thirteen can, however, register on Pottermore.

Can an 11 year old make a youtube account?

Yes, they can make an account if they want to by lying, but that would be against the rules of YouTube's Terms of Service and may result in a permanent ban on YouTube or other temporary account related penalties. YouTube is targeted at users ages 13 and over and is not made for people under the age of 13 due to the content that may appear on YouTube.

Can you be under 13 to have a YouTube accont?

Normally,you can't. You must be 18 or over 18 to do that. I have myself a youtube account and I am only 13.Most people don't pay attention to age rules.---Anita.

How old do you have to own a you tube channel?

You must be thirteen or over to have a Youtube channel.The law states it is illegal for anybody under the age of thirteen to have an account in anything online. That includes social networks, gaming communities and so on. Having an online account whilst you are under 13 is a criminal offence. This is to protect children from the dangers of the internet.Those under 13 that have appeared on Youtube have done so under parental supervision on a channel owned, operated and monitored by their parents.

Are there any actors or actresses that are under the age of thirteen?

Yes, there are many actors and actresses under the age of thirteen.

Is MySpace bad for children under the age of thirteen?

yes.their are intruders and people who spam. Facebook is better.

Can boys be on zwinky?

Yes, of course!! Anyone can be online on Zwinky if you are age 13 and up. Although there are many people who are under thirteen who sneak in. [x Yes, of course!! Anyone can be online on Zwinky if you are age 13 and up. Although there are many people who are under thirteen who sneak in. [x

What if you are 11 and have a Facebook is it okay?

Facebook rules state that you must be thirteen to have a Facebook account. However, many people under the age of thirteen have Facebooks because their parents have given them permission.

How many ships were in Cabral's fleet?

Cabral had thirteen ships under his command, with over 1500 people working on them.

Why does federal law require Facebook to ban kids under thirteen?

They think people with mess with little kids

Is thirteen a lucky number in Chinese horoscope?

For the people born under Tiger, Snake and Horse, 13 is a lucky number.