You would capitalize Indian but not reservation because Indian is a proper noun but reservation is not.
yes you spell it. Pagago Indian Reservation is located in...
Pascua Yaqui Reservation west of Tucson, established in 1994
Shoshone Indian from the uintah reservation
You must be from the tribe of the designated reservation or invited by that tribe to live there by marriage freindship etc.
yes you spell it. Pagago Indian Reservation is located in...
The seven largest Indian Reservations in the United States are the Navajo Nation, the Pine Ridge Reservation, the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, the Papago Indian Reservation, the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, and the Gila River Indian Reservation.
Campo Indian Reservation was created in 1903.
Rosebud Indian Reservation's population is 21,245.
The population of Isabella Indian Reservation is 25,838.
Flathead Indian Reservation was created in 1855.
Rosebud Indian Reservation was created in 1889.
Mendocino Indian Reservation was created in 1856.
Cheyenne River Indian Reservation was created in 1889.
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation's population is 28,700.
The population of Big Cypress Indian Reservation is 591.
Poarch Creek Indian Reservation was created in 1984.