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Some Hispanics are considered part of the caucasion race. You do have many American Indians from South, Central and North America that speak Spanish as hispanic is not actually a race.

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Q: Does the American Indian race include Hispanic?
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If you live in Brooklyn does that mean your black?

No. Here are the race percentages in Brooklyn. * White Non-Hispanic (41.2%) * Black (36.4%) * American Indian (36.4%) * Hispanic (19.8%) * Other race (10.1%) * Chinese (4.9%) * Two or more races (4.3%) * Asian Indian (1.0%) * Other Asian (0.9%)

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According to the 2006 ACS Estimates, California's population is: * 59.8% White American including White Hispanic * 43% White non-Hispanic * 35.9% are Hispanic or Latino (of any race) * 12.3% Asian American * 6.2% Black or African American * 3.3% mixed * 0.7% American Indian

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White, Hispanic, Native American.

Is there a certain race that is affected more with AIDS?

American and Hispanic males.

What percent Hispanic do you have to be to mark Hispanic as your race?

There is no specific percentage required to mark Hispanic as your race. It is based on self-identification, so individuals can choose to identify as Hispanic if they feel that it reflects their ethnic or cultural background.

What percentage is a kid of a white race and full hispanic?

hispanic is not a race their are white, black, tan,and Asian hispanic

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Historically, slaves have come from various races and ethnicities, depending on the region and time period. Slavery has been practiced in different cultures and societies around the world, with individuals from different racial backgrounds being subjected to slavery.

What would be the ethnicity of someone with a white father and hispanic mother?

Depends on race of mother - hispanic is generally a mix of white european (spain) and native american - if more european blood then she is white - if she is white hispanic then the race of the child is white. The child is only hispanic if he/she was raised hispanic, if not, then child is white non-hispanic.

What are some examples of race?

Examples of race include White, Black or African American, Asian, Native American or Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

What raz is Princeton from mindless beahavior?

First of all it's spelled race and second his race is African-American and Hispanic (Which means Mexican)

What race is Paula DeAnda?

She Mexican-American.