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abolished child labor.

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Q: During the progressive era many states?
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Related questions

During the progressive movement how many ademendmets were added to the constitution?

There were four amendments added to the United States Constitution during what is known as the Progressive Era. The Constitution currently has 27 amendments.

What acts weres not passed during the Progressive Era?

Many states begun passing compulsory schooling laws which were not passed.

What was the Electoral reform during the Progressive era?

states have jurisdiction over election procedures

What did many states abolish during the progressive era?

Abusive Child Labor. Which was unfortunate for poor family's that was depending on their child's income.

What social welfare programs were instituted during the progressive era?

What social welfare programs were instituted during the progressive era

Were did progressive era happend?

the united states

Why were most election reforms during the progressive Era legistated by state governments and not by the federal government?

During the Progressive Era, the federal government was still fairly limited in its power, closer to the original intent of the Framer's concept of federalism. Many of the issues involved powers that were considered reserved to the states exclusively. Matters related to elections were considered the responsibilities of the states.

What was happening during the progressive era?

progress was made

Who was Minnesota's governor during the progressive era?


During the Progressive Era Reforms what did many reformers blame for the problems faced by the lower class?


Who was the governor responsible for improving many South Carolina roads during the progressive era?

Richard I. Manning

When were the Party politics nearly suspended?

during the Progressive Era