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to preserve the union

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Q: Early in his Presidency Abraham Lincoln declared that his primary goal as President?
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Who was the President during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

Abraham Lincoln was the president when Abraham Lincoln was the president.

What US President's declared martial law?

Abraham Lincoln

Early in his Presidency Abraham Lincoln declared that his primary goal as President was to?

At the beginning of the Civil War President Lincoln stated that the war was being fought to preserve the Union.

Abraham Lincoln what century was his presidency in?

He was president in the nineteenth century.

What President declared Columbus Day?

Abraham Lincoln

Who ened Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

John Wilkes Booth assassinated president Lincoln hereby ending the presidency.

Why did Abraham Lincoln ran for the presidency?

because he wonted to be president of the USA.

Who did the assassination of Abraham Lincoln bring to presidency?

Vice-President Andrew Johnson became President when Lincoln died.

Which president declared thanksgiving to be an annual holiday?

Abraham Lincoln

How is Abraham Lincoln associated with Thanksgiving?

Abraham Lincoln is the President who declared a day to give thanks to the Lord for all our blessings

What was Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

Abraham Lincoln was President of the USA from 1861 to 1865. He was elected to two terms and was killed by John Wilkes Booth.

What was Abraham Lincoln place of residence after the presidency?

He was shot and killed while president so there was no after the presidency since he was dead.