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Q: Eloquent lawyer-orator who argued in defense of colonial rights?
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What was malachy postlethwayt's argument in the defense of slavery?

Malachy Postlethwayt argued in defense of slavery by stating that it was a necessary and beneficial institution for maintaining economic stability and promoting civilization in colonial societies. He believed that enslaved labor was essential for the development of industries and the overall wealth of a nation.

Tax enacted in 1764 to help pay for colonial defense?

The tax enacted in 1764 to help pay for colonial defense was called the Sugar Act. It was levied on imported goods, such as molasses and sugar, that were commonly used in the colonies. The act was met with resistance from the colonists, who argued that they lacked representation in the British Parliament and should not be subject to taxation without consent.

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They argued that slavery contributed to the prosperous economy.

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Some could interpret it as such. Massachusetts has argued in federal court that the federal Defense of Marriage Act forces that state to discriminate against its own residents in the administration of certain entitlement programs funded (at least partially) by the federal government.

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Who wrote the paper in defense of slavery?

The paper in defense of slavery was written by George Fitzhugh, an American social theorist, in his book "Sociology for the South" published in 1854. Fitzhugh argued that slavery was a positive good for both enslaved people and slave owners, promoting paternalistic ideas of caring for and providing for enslaved individuals.

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