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dawe's act

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Q: Federal law that attempted to dissolve tribal landholding and establish Indians as individual farmers?
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The dawes severalty act was supposed to?

The Dawes Act was passed in 1887 and it tried to dissolve Indian tribes by redistributing the land. It was designed to forestall growing Indian poverty, but it resulted in many Indians losing their land to speculators.

Why the Articles confederation dissolve?

It limited the power of the Federal Government too much, leading to a fairly weak nation economically, defensively, and otherwise socially.

Why did the suffrage movement stall?

The reason that the suffrage movement stalled because the National American Women's Suffrage Association was forced to dissolve. This forced less knowledge and understanding about equal rights to be shared with others.

Why was abolitionism unpopular at first?

It is unknown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! troll^ "southern planters owed northern bankers and other creditors about $300 million, and much of this immense sum would be lost----as, in fact, it later was---- should the Union dissolve. New England textile mills were fed with cotton raised by the slaves, and a disrupted labor system might cut off this vital supply and bring unemployment." -- American Pageant 13e Hope this helps whoever is taking AP US history

What did John d Rockefeller get accused of being?

Critics accused Rockefeller of engaging in unethical practices, such as predatory pricing and colluding with railroads to eliminate his competitors, in order to gain a monopoly in the industry. In 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court found Standard Oil in violation of anti-trust laws and ordered it to dissolve. During his life Rockefeller donated more than $500 million to various philanthropic causes. He was accused of being rich but that became true. GOOD LUCK!!

Related questions

Federal law that attempted to dissolve tribal landholding?

dawes act

When a compound dissolve in water what happens?

it breaks up into individual crystals.

Can Supreme Court be dissolved?

No. Article III of the Constitution requires the federal government to establish and maintain a Supreme Court, and prevents Congress from removing individual justices except by impeachment. Congress has some control over the structure of all the federal courts, but it doesn't have the power to dissolve the US Supreme Court.

Will Iodide dissolve in water?

Yes, iodide ions readily dissolve in water to form an aqueous solution. This results in the dispersion of individual iodide ions throughout the water, allowing them to interact with the water molecules.

What are the solid substances that dissolve in a water?

Some common solid substances that dissolve in water include salt (sodium chloride), sugar (sucrose), and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). When these substances dissolve in water, they break down into individual molecules or ions that are dispersed throughout the water.

How long does it take for the norforms to dissolve once they are in?

Norforms typically dissolve within a few minutes once inserted into the vaginal canal. The exact time may vary depending on individual factors such as body temperature and moisture levels.

Does salt dissolve in tamato juice?

Yes, salt is able to dissolve in tomato juice. When salt is added to tomato juice and stirred, the salt crystals break down into individual ions that disperse throughout the liquid, resulting in a homogeneous mixture.

How fast do gell caps dissolve?

Gel caps typically dissolve within 10-30 minutes after ingestion, depending on the specific composition and formulation of the capsule. Factors such as stomach pH, content of the capsule, and individual variation can also affect the dissolution time.

When you dissolve an ionic compound in water or melt it it can do what?

When you dissolve an ionic compound in water or melt it, it can break down into its individual ions, creating a solution or molten mixture. These ions can then move freely in the solution or melt, allowing for electrical conductivity and other chemical interactions.

Ionic solids will most likely dissolve in?

Ionic solids will most likely dissolve in polar solvents such as water, which can break apart the ionic bonds holding the solid together. The polar solvent molecules surround the individual ions and help to disperse them evenly throughout the solution.

What crystals dissolve in water?

Crystals that are water-soluble, such as salt (sodium chloride), sugar (sucrose), and borax (sodium borate), dissolve in water. These crystals break down into their individual ions or molecules when they come into contact with water, resulting in a clear solution.

Can a sugar cube dissolve in water?

Yes, a sugar cube can dissolve in water. When placed in water, the sugar cube breaks down into individual sugar molecules due to the interactions between the water molecules and the sugar molecules, causing the sugar cube to disappear into the water.