Federalists were concerned that anarchy would develop in the absence of a strong national government. Alexander Hamilton was a prominent Federalist.
triumph, conquer
the quilts Apex
When Ted gave up smoking, he viewed it as his greatest conquest to date. Synonyms for the word conquest are win, victory, and triumph.
Paine uses the aphorism "the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph" to express his belief that hardships faced by the American forces during the war will make their eventual victory more meaningful.
That statement is incorrect.The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States from the 1890s to the 1920s, with three presidents (Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson) elected for their progressive (liberal) campaign platforms.Among the main goals of the Progressive movement was that of eliminating or regulating the huge 'trusts' that controlled the American economy- Roosevelt was known as a 'trust-buster' as he challenged the monopolies created by Standard Oil, the railroads, US Steel, and others and lobbied for the first antitrust laws. Another goal was to eliminate corruption in government by exposing and destroying the political machines that controlled elections, and returned to 'direct democracy.'The Progressive Movement began locally, but soon expanded to state and national levels. Progressives drew support from the middle class, and supporters included lawyers, teachers, physicians, ministers and businessmen. Progressives strongly supported the utilization of scientific methods to improve government, industry, finance, medicine, and education, with national leaders coming from both parties. Democratic Progressives Woodrow Wilson, William Jennings Bryan and Al Smith were joined by Republicans Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes, and Robert LaFollete, Sr.
rephrase your question, and I'll give you an appropriate answer
National Geographic Explorer - 1985 Triumph of the Nomads 1-126 was released on: USA: 24 November 1985
Triumph Without Drums - 1941 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)
Umashankara has written: 'Kashmir: triumph and tragedy' -- subject(s): Politics and government
Triumph - Triumph album - was created on 1976-10-13.
An antonym for triumph is defeat.
The suffix for triumph is "-ph".
There is no glorious triumph in mistaking the Messiah for a gardener.
According to Triumph's website, there are 176 Triumph dealers in the USA.
The duration of Triumph of the Will is 1.9 hours.
Triumph motorcycles are made in Hinkley, England.