In the US, the first secretary of state was Thomas Jefferson. He was appointed to that position by President George Washington.
Connecticut was the first state to have a state constitution.
Delaware was the first state to enter the U.S. of A.
The "First State " of the US is thought to be Delaware, because it was the first state that ratiied the new US Constitution. Delaware's state motto is "The First State."
The first frontier state to enter the Union was Vermont in 1791.
Delaware was the first state to ratify the present constitution so it calls itself the first state.
Thomas Jefferson.
Colin powell was the first African American to serve the US secretary of State
the 2 nd secratayry of state
Hilary Clinton
Ken Bennett.
Madeline Albright
Robert Morris
Timothy Pickering replaced by John Marshall
The current United States Secretary of State is Hillary Clinton.
Ben Ysursa is great nephew Jack Ysursa is awesome at baseball
the secretery of defense
his secretery