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if it's for your government homework it's john Locke's "Two Treaties on Government, English Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, and Petition of Right

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Q: Four early documents that established basic rights for people and government?
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What was one way that colonial governments differed from the British government-?

Colonists rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition

What was one way that colonial governments differed from the British government?

Colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition.

What revolutionary actions does the Declaration of Independence suggest should be the duty of citizens?

The Declaration of Independence was the first document to justify a revolution against an established government. The Declaration has three parts. It starts with a statement of basic human rights that all people enjoy--"rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" It then goes on to proclaim that a just government is one that has the consent of the people being governed. This is the revolutionary action -- when a government fails to protect the rights of the people or is destructive of the rights of the people, then the people have the right to alter or abolish the government and form a new government that will be protective of the people's rights. The second part of the Declaration is listing of specific complaints the colonists had against King George III. The third part of the Declaration contains the actual statement of independence from Great Britain. MrV

What documents did Americans look to when creating a new government?

The English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta. These were the only two because England had limited the power of its kings and queens in two documents.

Why did the Southern states sussed from the Union?

The Southern states seceded from the Union primarily due to their disagreements with the federal government over issues such as the expansion of slavery into new territories and states, states' rights, and economic differences. They believed that secession was necessary to protect their institution of slavery and preserve their way of life. Ultimately, the secession of the Southern states led to the American Civil War.

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What documents proves that people in the middle colonies had self government?

The Bill of Rights

What government documents did North Carolina have?

Government documents did North Carolina have is all about bill of rights.

What is an example of constitution?

The Constitution is an example of a governing document. It established how the government was supposed to work by listing the government's powers and the rights of people.

Your Constitution is an example of what?

The Constitution is an example of a governing document. It established how the government was supposed to work by listing the government's powers and the rights of people.

What does the bill of rights established?

The rights of the people

How did colonial government differ from the british government?

colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. british rights were defined by laws and tradition

What part of the preamble protects the rights of everyone?

The preamble of the Constitution sets up the formation of the government of the United States. The rights of people are in the Bill of Rights. For complete copies of these documents, see the link below.

How has the bill of rights protected the rights and liberties of America?

The laws enumerated within these documents have been enforced by the executive branch of government in such a way that most people are able to enjoy most of these rights, most of the time.

What was one way colonial government's differed from the British government's?

Colonists rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition

What was one way that colonial government different from the British government?

Colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition.

What was one way colonial government differed from the British government?

Colonists rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition

What was one way that colonial government differ from the British government?

Colonists rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition