The practice by congressional representatives of including language providing special benefits for their constituents in otherwise unrelated bills is called the earmark. A rule allowing a three-fifths majority of U.S. Senators to set a time limit on debate over a given bill is called cloture.
What is the elimination or practice or providing separate schools and other facilities
Economic reconstruction required a complete reordering of a slave society, with the construction of a free labor social system in which blacks or whites had a lot of experience. This social revolution al centered on agriculture which was the South's leading economic sector, providing most of the region's wealth, and employing the most amount of people in its labor force. After the war, the distribution of landed wealth in the South remained unchanged
by providing support and scholarships
By providing important stuff like education
The purpose was to create new jobs
Some agencies that specialize in providing jobs in construction include Trillium Staffing and Aerotek. Another company that you may be interested in is Bridgeway Career.
Detail Online describes itself as the "portal for architecture and construction". They put out a magazine, daily blogs, pictures for inspiration of their site, and a shop to accomplish your construction and designing needs. Their specialty is not providing construction services, but inspiring and providing the resources to accomplish your designing and construction needs.
Turner Construction is a well regarded construction company with a well designed website providing details of their services and projects that they have completed.
By letting a contract for its construction and providing staff for it.
Silpozz micro silica is utilized across various industries, including construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and more, providing performance enhancements in concrete, mortar, and other applications.
By providing economic relief during the great depression.
By providing economic relief during the great depression.
One part of Roosevelt's New Deal program to fight the Great Depression was the establishment of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1935. The WPA provided jobs for millions of unemployed Americans by undertaking public works projects such as building infrastructure, schools, parks, and roads. This not only stimulated the economy by providing jobs and income, but also improved the nation's infrastructure and quality of life.
The United States provides many forms of AID including: provisioning of food and water, provisioning of money, provisioning of shelters, providing disease treatment expertise, providing mechanical or construction expertise, providing military support or equipment, diplomatic support for international agreements, and numerous other forms of useful expertise.
Providing irrigation water for nearby farmlands
Providing irrigation water for nearby farmlands