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The French traders obtained furs from the Huron Indians and, later, from the Ottawa.

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Q: French started trading with which Native American tribe?
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How did British and French treat Native Americans?

The French treated them right, but the British were jerks to them. At one point, the British fought the French, and the Native Americans fought alongside the French to support them.

What is the French post on the Ohio River?

A French post on the Ohio River was a trading post built so that fur trappers would have a place to trade their pelts. They also traded blankets and other goods with the Native American Indians at a fur trading post.

Which Native American group had trading villages on the Missouri River?

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What group was the most successful in adapting to the Native American understanding of trade?

The French were the most successful in adapting to the Native American understanding of trade. Unlike the English and Spanish, the French were more willing to enter into partnerships and establish mutually beneficial relationships with Native American tribes. They adopted Native American trading practices such as gift-giving, cultural exchanges, and respecting tribal sovereignty, which allowed them to build strong alliances and dominate the fur trade in North America.