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Q: From what country did the Munich massacre hostages oringinate?
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Where did the munich massacre hostages originate?


From what county did Munich massacre hostage originate?

The did not have a country -- they were Palestinians.

What major competition did the Munich massacre occur?

The Munich Massacre was during the Munich Summer Olympics in September 1972

During what major athletic competition did the Munich Massacre occur?

The Munich Massacre was during the Munich Summer Olympics in September 1972

What major athletic competitions did the Munich massacre occur?

The Munich Massacre was during the Munich Summer Olympics in September 1972

What happened to the hostages taken at the munich Olympics?


What was the cause of the death of 11 athletes in Germany Summer Olympics 1972?

They were killed during, what is now known as, The Munich Massacre. A group of eight Palestinian terrorists broke into the Olympic Village and held the athletes as hostages. All of the hostages were killed when a rescue attempt drastically failed. Four of the hostages were shot and then incinerated when one of the terrorists detonated a grenade inside a helicopter the hostages had been sitting in. The remaining hostages were then shot with a machine gun by one of the terrorists.

What was the Munich Massacre?

The munich massacre was a terrorist act. Some Arab terrorists took the Israeli Olympics team hostage (1972 Olympics) they took 12 hostages and killed 11 and 1 German officer - not sure what happened to the 12th :S hope this helps :)

Who reported the Munich massacre?

It was Gustav Kahr.

Incidents that have occurred at the Olympics?

Munich Massacre occured in the 1972 olympics.

When was there a massacre of the Israeli athletes?

1972 Summer Games in Munich, Germany.

In what year did the Munich Massacre take place?