No. The male and female sexual organs are formed in the womb from the same "starting" tissue. So you could say (although most people probably wouldn't) that we all have both, just differently shaped.
urbanization I got it right on e2020.=) Hope that I helped!:)
well in the late 1800s women were able to go get a an education so that is how women got education
guess what you got history textbook, open it up and find your answer.
Lewis and Clark each got six hundred and forty acres plus cash. and the men got 320 acres plus cash.I think the privates and sergeants got something like $5 a day, George Druilliard got $25 a day,the captains something like $35 a day
Bull skin vest, groin cloth or nothing!! :)
Yes, but it is very rare
not naturally. If you get into body modifications and stretching maybe but highly unlikely
Yes, female horses have a clitoris, which is a small, sensitive organ located near the opening of the vagina.
Women and children first, few men got in. Women and children first, few men got in.
two men have been sentenced with murder.
โMen get on the boatโ
SEX, is how men and women got along I <3 SEX!!!!!!!!
Boy style or men Style I got to say.
300 hundred American men got killed and 64 British men got killed
african-american men
When the Native said Columbus and his men wear strange clothing they got sacred. After they got scared they ran away.