An artificial leg works by sending signal to the sensor which senses the movement of the artificial leg.
You use crutches, have a wheelchair, or get your leg amputated and get a fake leg.
Yes, African Americans have an extra bone in their leg.
Yes he did break his leg but made it seem not to noticeable
yes he was
Joseph Swan was inspired by Edison's incandescent light bulb to extrude filaments of artificial silk. This artificial silk was woven into fabric, which today is called rayon.
the artificial leg was invented in 1909 a whale bone
The carpenter had an aversion to working on the artificial leg.
No He Doesn't.
in 1977
No he doesn't.
leg was invented by the whole bone
Ahab's artificial leg was made of whale bone. It was a whale ivory prosthesis that he had specially crafted for him after losing his leg in a whaling accident.
Super glue and duct tape