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He freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation that said slaves could no longer be kept in the rebel states, also known as the South.

Lincoln freed the slaves to try to keep the North fighting and to force the South back into the United States, Lincoln wanted to send all the slaves to Central America because he did not believe whites and blacks should live together, Lincoln also was a slave owner.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The final executive order of the Emancipation Proclamation, only freed slaves in the areas of the Confederacy that had not already returned to Union/federal control by January 1863.

The thirteenth Amendment. abolished and outlawed slavery, throughout the US. It was ratified by 3/4 of the states in December of 1865, though it had passed both Houses, and was signed by President Lincoln, on February 1, 1865.

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14y ago

He issued and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Later, the 13th Constitutional Amendment was passed, which declared that slavery was illegal in the states.

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11y ago

I think that abraham lincoln freed slaves because his father would hit abraham and his father made abe work at a young age

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13y ago

By writing the Emancipation Proclamation clearly stating that the slaves were free.

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14y ago

Emancipation Proclamation

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Q: How did Abraham Lincoln free slaves from slavery?
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Abraham Lincoln didn't free the slaves, the 13th amendment freed the slaves.AMENDMENT 13: Slavery Abolished.Actually he did because he signed the bill over to free the slaves, so technically he did free the slavesabraham lincon

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President Abraham Lincoln is known for finding slavery morally wrong, and trying to free the slaves and keep people free from slavery in the future.

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Abraham Lincoln did not kill any slaves. He worked to free them.

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The answer is Abraham Lincoln. He was the one who fought to free the slaves.

Which president free the slaves?

Abraham Lincoln.

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Abraham Lincoln wanted to free the slaves.

Who wanted slavery to continue?

The people of the southern America wanted the slavery to contending Abraham Lincoln won the civil war. the south agreed to free the slaves

What did Lincoln sigh to free slaves?

Abraham Lincoln signed a billl to free the slaves . his wife Mary todd had slaves work for her.

Who all help free slavery?

Abolitionists helped free slavery; they were a large group. The north, too, was mostly against slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the president who finally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves.