Abraham Lincoln earliest influences were his parents. They needed his help on the farm, and as such, his time in school was very minimum. Thus, his parents encouraged him to be an avid reader. Two of his most valued books were on George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. After his mother died and his father remarried, Lincoln came to admire and respect his step mother.
His education was sporadic as a kid. He studied under Zachariah Riney, Caleb Hazel, Andrew Crawford (who loaned him Life of Washington) and James Swaney.
When he was getting into politics, Henry Clay was his mentor and dear friend.
He met and became friends with Cyrus Edward when he served in the military. Edward later became an Illinois State Senator.
He was a gentle giant. His life story was inspiring because he essentially came from a poor farm boy to become one of the most important persons in American history if not the world. He was definitely a self made man. He showed how a principled person could have a great affect on the world.
Abraham Lincoln was Influenced by Grace Bedell, who wrote a letter to Abraham to grow a beard which would make his vote for becoming president more choosing and likely to become President.
As simple as that!
yes because if wasn't a lire
because John Wilkes Booth and other people didn't like Lincoln
with the Abraham Lincoln presidential library and museumas your starting point, embark on tours of historic Lincoln sites and other points of interest in the springfield area with the Abraham Lincoln presidential library and museumas your starting point, embark on tours of historic Lincoln sites and other points of interest in the springfield area
22 years Any other information you would need about Abraham Lincoln and his wife's marriage meeting or anything else can be found at the website below.
One side of the penny pictures the Lincon Memorial in Washington D.C. The other side (the side with the person on it) pictures Abraham Lincoln. The penny is pretty much a tribute to Abraham Lincoln
yes because if wasn't a lire
Yes mostly in heaven. Other than that how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln believed that all peoples were covered by the Declaration of Independence. He argued that if Blacks could be excluded then other people could also be excluded. In that situation, Lincoln argued that no group was safe.
What other countries did you inspire with your People Power What?"
because John Wilkes Booth and other people didn't like Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the president of the people who did not want slaves and won the war therefor blacks and whites are now allowed to go to school together and marry each other
Abraham Lincoln and many other people in the Union.
There are a number of things that Abraham Lincoln did for the nation. He abolished slavery and was the one who proclaimed Thanksgiving as a holiday among other achievements.
Abraham Lincoln's first son was Robert Todd Lincoln. He was born on August 1, 1843. His other sons were Edward Baker Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln, and Thomas Lincoln, who as known as Tad.
Abraham Lincoln main hero was George Washington because he was in the revolutionary war and some other reasons but i can not remember it from my book for my biography.
Abraham Lincoln's father, Thomas Lincoln (1778-1851), was a farmer. At other times in his life he worked as a carpenter, prison guard, and hired hand. He was not a cobbler.