Gilded Age
Mail order brides were poplar in the nineteenth century, twenty and the twenty first century. In the 1990s over 21000 mail order brides express interest in finding husbands
The TV was not invented until the 20th century! TV actually evolved over a period of time, but didn't really get going until well into the 20th does your query refer to the most popular TV show of the 20th century (1900s, i.e. 1900-1999) or the most popular make of television during the same period ?
The American Triangle Trade was from 1450-1750.
The popularity of Ivanhoe reflected the nineteenth-century interest in historical fiction and chivalry. It appealed to readers who were fascinated by the medieval period and the codes of honor and nobility associated with it. The novel also capitalized on the Romantic movement's emphasis on noble heroes and epic storytelling.
British idealism
German idealism
scientific advances and discoveries
Gilded Age
Gilded Age
Early years of the nineteenth century.
began the process of modernization after a long period of isolationism
It could be. It depends on how it is used in a sentence. eg The 19th century was a period of huge growth in Britain
The period of revivalism that swept the United States in the early nineteenth century is known as the Second Great Awakening. This religious revival emphasized individual spiritual experiences and led to the growth of diverse Protestant denominations, social reform movements, and an emphasis on personal salvation. It had a lasting impact on American society and culture.
Gilded age
Gilded Age