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in a plaid t shirt and jeans he behaved great

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Q: How did Cesar Chavez dress and behave like as a teenager?
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What does teenage wannabe mean?

It means that you behave and/or dress as if you are or "wannabe" a teenager. Usually used in reference to parents/older people. And, yes, it is meant as a light insult.

How do you dress up like Cesar chaves?

sdfsa aasdasd

How do you get attention as a girl?

dress well speak well behave well............thats all

What store do you suggest a teenager to buy a dress appropiate for a Sweet Sixteen Party?

Fredrick's of Holywood

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dress her nicely treat her how to behave and not to love money

How old can you be too dress up as a teenager?

There is not a requirement to be dressed up as a teenager. Many adults of all ages shop at stores like Hollister and Forever 21, which provide "teenager-like" clothes of all current fashions.

How do you use codes?

To write secret letters if you are a spy. To write computer programs. To deal with character sets (ASCII etc) To know how to behave and dress (social and dress code)

How do you dress like a teenager girl?

If everyone dressed the same we would all be robots. Everyone has there own style, even teenager's. Get your own swagger and don't copy anyone elses. Be yourself.

Why would your own behaviour dress and language affect others?

if you behave and dress nicely it will show that you are from a good family and if you don't use an inordinate amount of slang it will show that your educated which will be more likely to get you a job

Can a parent controlle what a 15 year old wears?

Until the child becomes an adult the parent is responsible for what they do, behave, dress, everything.

What should 4 teenage girls wear to a dress up party?

They can dress up as Alice in wonderland but they can have their own way of wearing it, Fairy but make it look like what a teenager would wear, a disco girl and a princess.

How do you dress like an American teenager?

Look more and hang over in the Amerian site to know what kind of clothing American teenagers usually wear.