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Eisenhower balanced assertiveness and restraint in his foreign policies by remaining neutral until he was forced to act. He tried to use diplomacy rather than resorting to violence.

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Q: How did Eisenhower balance assertiveness and restraint in his foreign policies in Vietnam Europe and the Middle East?
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What was the major factor that led the democrats loss power in 1968?

President Harry Truman was un popular due to his handling of the Korean War and Cold War. Ike Eisenhower was a widely popular WWII general. Eisenhower worked hard to secure the female vote and was able to do so during the campaign.

Who was the US president that got involvedin the Vietnam war?

Kennedy added more "advisers", Johnson drafted the most men and sent in the most of the troops, and Nixon expanded the war with his secret bombings into Laos. So, the three of them escalated it bit by bit. Despite the acts of President Nixon, he had run for president on the promise to end the Vietnam War. This he accomplished.

Why did president Johnson believe that it was important for the US to in in Vietnam?

We had been in Vietnam since Eisenhower and JFK had sent in advisors. The government policy was the containment of communism and Vietnam was part of that policy because it feared the the Chinese communist were spreading through Southeast Asia. Johnson was part of the containment thinking and when the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened it drew the US more directly into the war and he began to draft more and more men. Nixon expanded the war into Laos and before he was elected had stopped a peace treaty. It was to his advantage to have the war.

First inhabitants of Vietnam?

See: History of Vietnam

The capital of north Vietnam is?

There is no "North Vietnam" as a country. The term "North Vietnam" was an erronous term used by the US to justify there intervention into Vietnam after the Paris Peace Accord 1954 which temporarily divide the country into 2 parts, North and South. FoIn the history there was no north or south country in Vietnam. The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi.

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How did Eisenhower balance assertiveness and restraint in his foreign policy in Vietnam Europe and the Middle East?

-Eisenhower did not intervene in Vietnam when a French garrison was trapped in Dienbienphu, Vietnam. -The United States did not help Hungary during their uprising -To secure Iranian oil for Western countries, the CIA enginnered a coup that installed Mohammed Reza Pahlevi as dictator of Iran. -Suez Canal crisis

How would you compare the Vietnam policies of president Dwight Eisenhower and John f Kennedy?

Eisenhower believed in sending troops, Kennedy did not.

How would you compare Vietnam policies of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy?

Eisenhower believed in sending troops, Kennedy did not.

How would you compare the Vietnam policies of presidents Dwight and john f Kennedy?

Eisenhower believed in sending troops, Kennedy did not.

The introduction of Vietnam?

Eisenhower, '55

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How did president eisenhower help the government of south Vietnam fight against the communist?

Eisenhower sent troops to South Vietnam so they can fight North Vietnam because North Vietnam wanted to take over South Vietnam and they did.

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