because stock brokers stopped marginloans ,company earnings declined,several companies went bankrupt and investors began to sell their stocks.
Investors share in benefits and costs (apex) .. (: . you cheater ;p
He exploited workers to amass his wealth. These practices included exerting control over national resources, accruing high levels of government influence, paying extremely low wages, quashing competition by acquiring competitors in order to create monopolies and eventually raise prices, and schemes to sell stock at inflated prices to unsuspecting investors in a manner which would eventually destroy the company for which the stock was issued and impoverish investors.
The history of Amazon stock prices is available on many different sources online. Google for example has its own chart of Amazon's stock prices that dates back to when Amazon first launched.
stock market
They raced to sell their stocks
they pledged their stocks as collateral.
stock prices would decline and investors would lose money
stock prices would decline and investors would lose money
Investors borrowed money to buy rising stocks, but could not pay it back once the stock prices fell.
Investors worried about a decline in prices
loss on investment to investors / shareholdersreduced capital / worth for companyreduced worth of the indexincreased supply of shares , less demand , therefore resulting in low pricesreduced market value
Market Crash
Its investors were hurt as stock prices plummeted.
After the Enron accounting scandal came to light, its stock price plummeted to 0, which wiped out many investors who had purchased Enron's stock.
one reasons is the way the investors speculate share prices. then the marketforces. if the economy is booming te share price go down.
Stock prices are largely driven by investors expectations of its future earnings.So if prices go up, you could simply say that its because more investors are positive about the relevant companys' earnings.Please note that the stock marketis highly complex, and there is no "one way" of reading the price.For the layman, I would simply say that its an issue of supply and demand. If there are more buyers than sellers, then prices go up. Vice versa./BL