she died because of getting sick and never came back alive by the way dooes anybody have nachos if you do cal 5403244152
Matoaka was the real name of the woman known today as Pocahontas. She was the daughter of Powhatan, the primary chief of a powerful confederacy in Virginia, comprised mostly of Algonquin speaking tribes. The word Pocahontas is reputed to mean "daughter" in the Algonquin language.
he did not die yet
How did Cotton Mather die?
Yes Benny Benson did die.
Quaniyah Owens will die in 2058
because of child birth most likely
how old was pocahantas in 1608 how old was pocahantas in 1608 how old was pocahantas in 1608 how old was pocahantas in 1608
pocahantas was born around 1595
John Rolfe.
she thought they were retardds
she was 45 when she died
Wahunsunacock or Wahunsenacawh (spellings vary).
It is a declarative sentence.