They died
settlers attempted to take over the native Americans territory
The relationship was at first peaceful, as the Native Americans provided the use of land to the settlers. The settlers thought that they owned the land and this began confrontations between the Native Americans and the settlers.
the native Americans were mad at the settlers for taking there land and the settles were scard of the native Americans
The white settlers felt more superior to the Native Americans and tried to suppress them.
The settlers ignored treaties with Native Americans.
The American attitude was that Americans had the right to fill the continent. When the Native Indian Americans were a threat to the settlers moving in, the US government made treaties with groups like the Plains Indians, or strong-armed them into moving out of the areas designated for white settlers.
ANSWERTrick question actually, usually the Native Americans didn't attack but the settlers used force to drive them out.ANSWERThere have been many times that the settlers fought with Native Americans. Most often, it was because the settlers used force to drive the Native Americans out of their land, or the Native Americans fought to get land back that the settlers had wrongfully taken. Sometimes, the native people attacked the colonists or pioneers because the settlers would violate treaties they had made with the natives.
new settlers, herds moving, [e.c.t]
President Andrew Jackson set a president for: Violating Treaties, Enforcing False Treaties and outright Murder of Native Americans. This president continues still today when dealing with Native Americans.
he promised to keep the settlers from moving into their lands
The Native Americans lost a great deal. Without the French, Native Americans could not stop British settlers from moving on their lands
Native Americans were moved onto reservations.
During William Penn's lifetime Native Americans were generally well treated and the treaties they made were generally fair exchanges.The relationship was nice and in balance.
Native Americans attacked Colonial settlements, and settlers killed neutral Native Americans.
the english settlers often angered the native americans by
The settlers were invaders on Native American land and the tribes had made treaties with the government, but the treaties were broken. Reservation agents sold the food given to the reservation and often the men had to go off the reservation for food. Read BLACK ELK SPEAKS.