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They used it to go to the Appalachian Mountains

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12y ago

to travel across the Appalachian mountains without having to go up and the Appalachian mountain

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Q: How did settlers use the wilderness road?
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Explain the significance of wilderness road?

Daniel Boone's blazing of the Wilderness Road led to settlers finding their way west. This, in turn, led to a massive westward expansion.

Where did Daniel Boone led settlers after leading them to the wilderness road?


Which of these routes used by American and immigrant settlers is shown in black?

Wilderness road

What wilderness road served as the main route for settlers traveling though?

The Cumberland Gap

A Native American trail through the Cumberland Gap along the banks of the Kentucky River was renamed?

The Native American trail through the Cumberland Gap along the banks of the Kentucky River was renamed the Wilderness Road by European settlers. This road helped facilitate westward expansion into Kentucky and beyond.

What was the main route used by American settlers across Kentucky?

Wilderness Road

Which of these was the main route used by American settlers across Kentucky?

Yo Mama , Uglahh Niqqah ! ^Wtf. It was the Wilderness Road.

How did Daniel Boone help the pioneers move westward?

Daniel Boone was one of the first English speaking persons to settle what is now Kentucky. Shortly before the American Revolution, he organized and led a group of settlers over the Appalachian Mountains to the new settlement called Boonesborough, which still exists in eastern Kentucky. He blazed a trail, called the Wilderness Road, over the Cumberland Gap paving the way for thousands of settlers to follow him westward.

Which road did the settlers on the east coast use to get to the frontier?

They used the National Road

What country did Daniel Boone sail for?

Daniel Boon was not a sailor. He was a backwoods explorer. He opened the Wilderness Road to settlers for the Transylvania Company in America in 1775.

When was Wilderness Road State Park created?

Wilderness Road State Park was created in 1993.

What mountains did the Wilderness Road provide a route?

the wilderness road leed to kentucky from the east.