Well they Sure As Crap beat themm strupid slaveholders wonder if they'd have thought twice to do that agin if someone turned the whip in their direction!
they thought blacks had no souls and they could not go to heaven so they used them instead of whites.
to prevent war
By passing the Navigation Acts
They wanted to try to reunite with the South while still abolishing slavery.
Copperheads were Northerners who did not want to go to Civil War. Rather, they wanted peace and to try and find a compromise with the South.
Slaveholders wanted poor whites to feel superior to slaves, so that they would not unite with slaves to challenge the existing power structure. By convincing poor whites that they were better than slaves, slaveholders ensured that their control over slaves remained unchallenged. Additionally, slaveholders sought to maintain social order and stability by preventing potential uprisings or rebellions.
needed their political support
Slaveholders wanted to create a united front among all white people to maintain their power and control over slaves. By convincing poor and whites that slavery was justified, they aimed to prevent any potential alliances or uprisings that could threaten the institution of slavery. Additionally, promoting the idea of white superiority helped to uphold a social hierarchy that benefited the slaveholders economically and socially.
Slaveholders tried to convince poor whites that slavery was justified to maintain social order and prevent potential alliances between poor whites and slaves that could threaten the existing power structure. By promoting the idea that whites were superior and deserved more rights and privileges than slaves, slaveholders aimed to divide and control the lower classes to safeguard their own economic interests.
they thought blacks had no souls and they could not go to heaven so they used them instead of whites.
they were super mad they wanted slaves to be free but he north hated slaves and put them to work ( this is the best answer u will find )
The Governor of New South Wales in 1788 was Captain Arthur Phillip. He did not try to control the spread of the colony, but explored in order to find more land for a growing colony that needed to expand.
The North used Slavery as a reason to try and gain back control of the the South when the South became unhappy with Taxes and laws being made.
First of all the British wren't in the civil war. It was the North vs. the South. The South attacked Washington D.C. to try to gain control.
brain control
The 'south' of where??? Try the South Pole, you cannot go any further south.
try taking your birth control with a small snack. if that doesn't work then talk to your doctor and see if you can try another pill that wont make you sick.