they had to have their own rights
State's rights
States' rights supporters.
African Americans
The Southerners believed that the teriffs violated their states rights. PS. DeDe_swagg01 on instagram follow me.
north= nullification is good south= nullification is bad
b. state government could nullify any federal law.
Benjamin Franklin - doctrine of nullification
States' Rights is the theory that state and local government's actions and laws in dealing with social and economic problems are supreme to federal actions and laws. The theory goes back to the founding of our nation. Jefferson and Madison advocated states' rights in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. John C. Calhoun's Theory of Nullification, the South's justification for declaring independence from the US, also advocates states' rights.
States rights doctrine, which said that since the states had formed the national government, state power should be greater than federal power
Because he absolutely hated John C. Calhoun the leader of the nullification movement in south Carolina. Preservation of the Union was also important to him.
Calhoun believed in states rights above all. He espoused the doctrine of nullification which meant that states could nullify or reject Federal Laws they did not want to obey. He also thought states had the right to leave the federal union if they wished.
they had to have their own rights
they had to have their own rights
states rights
States rights and property rights.