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im guessing they built it with wood and hay and its called teepees

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12y ago
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12y ago

I think it is tp

a hut

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11y ago

rock and corn

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Q: How did the Natchez tribe build shelter?
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They used poo and pee to build houses

How did the Haida tribe build there shelter?

I don't exactly know so figure it out yourself. On google.

What Indian tribe live in Mississippi?

the Biloxi tribe,the Chicksaw tribe,Chactaw tribe,the Houma tribe,Natchez tribe,Ofo tribe,Quapaw tribe,and the Tunica tribe

What are some of the Natchez customs?

The Native Americans that lived in Natchez had customs that celebrated the women in the tribe. They also rarely fought with anyone and worshipped the sun.

When was Natchez founded?

Natchez, Mississippi was originally founded in 1716 as Ft. Rosalie. It was the site of a huge battle with the Natchez Indians in 1729. (The town was later named after this tribe.) It became the County Seat of Adams County in 1817.

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they dont

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What type of shelter did the wyandot tribe build please explain this type of shelter?

the wyandot built longhouses that several families lived in each longhouse the house were 100 feet long as long as the todays basketball courts.

Do koalas build shelter?

No, koalas do not build shelter. They shelter in eucalyptus trees, resting in the forks of trees or on branches, but they neither build shelters nor do they use hollows or other forms of shelter.

When did the Nanchez Indians build the emerald mound?

1250 A.D. by ancestors of the Natchez Indians.