The South became convinced that Lincoln was an abolitionist even though did not state that he wanted to ban slavery.
Which proclamation
Southerners were delighted with the Dred Scott decision, but northerners were outraged.
Lincoln committed himself to reuniting the union at any cost. Although he was elected on the anti-slavery Republican ticket, Lincoln's main reason for going to war was not to stop slavery, but to restore the union. He didn't believe the southerners even had the legal right to secede.
Southerners were outraged at John Brown's attempt to steal weapons and ultimately free slaves, while northerners called him a hero and martyr. They believed that he died to for the cause of the abolition of slavery.
Badly. It is claimed that the Confederate cavalry leaderBedford Forrest ordered his troops to take no black prisoners - just kill them.
The Lincoln and Douglas debates in 1858, were extensively covered by newspapers in both the North and the South. Northerners followed the debates and by doing so, brought to national attention the views of Abraham Lincoln. Abolitionists in the North were impressed with Abraham Lincoln's views on slavery.
Which proclamation
blacks recruited
They were mad about it.
they thought it was unfair
Southerners were delighted with the Dred Scott decision, but northerners were outraged.
Lincoln committed himself to reuniting the union at any cost. Although he was elected on the anti-slavery Republican ticket, Lincoln's main reason for going to war was not to stop slavery, but to restore the union. He didn't believe the southerners even had the legal right to secede.
Southerners were delighted with the Dred Scott decision, but northerners were outraged.
The debates have been going on until today.
Anaconda Plan.