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Q: How did the plantation system lead to the development of slavery?
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Irrigation system

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Plantations didn't lead to the revolution.

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Irrigation system

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Irrigation system

How did the Dred Scott case affect the development of the US?

The case actually made slavery legal, so that meant that within a few years that there would have to be a solution to slavery. This lead to the civil war.

How did the climate of southern Mesopotamia lead to the development of new farming technique?

Irrigation system

When did slavery end in the Caribbean?

Slavery in the Caribbean officially ended in the 1830s with the British Emancipation Act of 1833. However, in some areas, slavery persisted until the 1860s due to delayed implementation or resistance from plantation owners.

Why did Stephen Douglas propose the Kansas Nebraska act lead to violence?

Plantation owners were outraged that slavery had been outlawed in the territories. People in the territories were angry that a new political party had been established. Many Americans disagreed with the Supreme Court decision to limit slavery in the territories. Opposing forces clashed because they disagreed about popular sovereignty and slavery.

What was the Southern response to the ideas of banning slavery in the US territories?

Southern plantation holders were appalled at the idea that that slavery would be banned in the US territories. They realized that as the territories became States and continued their anti slavery positions, the South would became an even smaller group of slave holding States. In turn, this could lead to the abolition of slavery nationwide. They were correct in this assumption. Most Americans were against slavery. In the days of antebellum, their Congressional response was the passing of the Missouri Compromises.