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The building of the first continental railway between 1863-1869 starting from both East and West, eventually joining in the middle brought about a new life across America, after the movement by homesteaders and miners etc. across the plains in search of gold, a promised better life, or even just space the reality of the harsh conditions in the West hit home very quickly, the rail road brought a change that was greatly needed, and would bring about great advancement in the settling of the West, it meant no longer did people have to endure either life or death wagon routes across the plains, or treacherous sailing conditions that few could afford. In addition it meant supplies for crops, housing were accessible and settlement could really begin successfully. Finally it allowed them to transport buffalo meat and other produce back to the East to sell and make profit, creating a capitalist society, without the creation of the Transcontinental Rail road America would have been unable to settle as successfully as we witness today.

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they created many jobs and brought civilization to many areas that were desolate before. Towns began springing up next to the railroads and products were brought in by the train.

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Slaves were now easily transported.

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