"Wakomimm" is the root verb. Do recall that Blackfoot is extremely fusional, which means that one "word" can mean an entire sentence. For instance, if you want to say "I love you", it would be (I believe; it's been a long time) "Kitsikákomimmok nistowa." (Kits-ik-ákomimm-ok nistowa: you-intense-love-inverse I) "The noun "love" is "Akomimmoksin."
Blackfoot can only say "I thank you" (as does correct English, which is sadly no longer used today) - nitsiniiyi'taki.The term for "I love you" is kitsiikákomimmo; "you are loved" is kitsikakomimmokoo.
In Blackfoot you have to express the idea with a verb, such as kitsiikákomimmo (I love you) or akomimmiyuk (love each other), or akomimmis k'inna (love your father) or nit'akomimmo (I love him).
The Blackfoot word is minikxiw
The Blackfoot word for wolf is omahkapi'si and white is aapi. In combination aapi becomes ap-, so in theory the term "white wolf" would be *apomahkapi'si.I am not aware that such a term was ever used by the Blackfoot, hence the (*) indicating a theoretical word.
Blackfoot formerly of the Stax group The Soul Children. Soundtown label catalog # ST-0004 released in 1983. B/W (flip side of 45) is Where is Love.
Hamma Tenshai Kumcha How you say I love you in blackfoot Native American language
Blackfoot can only say "I thank you" (as does correct English, which is sadly no longer used today) - nitsiniiyi'taki.The term for "I love you" is kitsiikákomimmo; "you are loved" is kitsikakomimmokoo.
In Blackfoot you have to express the idea with a verb, such as kitsiikákomimmo (I love you) or akomimmiyuk (love each other), or akomimmis k'inna (love your father) or nit'akomimmo (I love him).
The Blackfoot word is minikxiw
In Blackfoot, you can say "morning" or "akohp" to greet someone in the morning.
In Blackfoot, the word for goodbye is "apikii."
Hello is OKI in Blackfoot. My name is is NII TA NIK KO.
Nose in blackfoot?
Hello is OKI in Blackfoot. My name is is NII TA NIK KO.
It is translated literally, so you say "Schwarzfuss".
how do you say good night in blackfoot native american language