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This is actually very simple. Take out a map, a USA continental map is best, and find where you live at now (the more specific the better). Once you have found that, then look to your RIGHT until you find the Atlantic Ocean (make note of this) NOW look to your LEFT until you find the Pacific Ocean (make note of this as well) NOW look UP (North) Until you find the Arctic Circle, and DOWN (South) until you see The Strait of Magellan sometimes called Tierra del Fuego (and note both of these positions). Now, IF you live between THOSE POINTS (as noted above) then YES American Natives lived on, and owned (still own) those lands, we can even be more specific -- if where you live is NORTH of the equator then it was North American Natives, and if it is South, then it is South American Natives. Please note: F. Victoria noted in his 1532 treaties on Indian Law, that Natives upon the recently discovered continent of America, are the rightful owners of those lands. All of those lands, Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law (all editions).

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Q: How do you tell if Indians lived on your land?
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