In some parts of the world there are areas of native habitat that have been subject to spontaneous fires for millions of years. The vegetation in those areas has adapted to this natural occurrence and many plant species actually NEED fires to begin their reproductive and regenerative processes. With the advent of man as a species into many of these areas the concept of fire suppression became introduced. This resulted in those areas having no fires for unusually long periods of time with a concurrent unusual build up of combustible ground matter. The result of that is that when a fire does break out it burn far, far more intensely resulting in the destruction of all vegetation. Controlled burning means that smaller fires are more regulalry set so as to keep the combustible matter on the ground at smaller levels resulting in "cooler" fires closer in nature to the natural ones. The plants win, the soil wins by not being overheated and the animals wins because they can survive these types of fire.
Lands that are controlled by another nation are called territories.
because native Americans allowed the french to control large areas of land
The people who owned and controlled all the land of a colony were called proprietors or Lord Proprietors. Initially land was divided up by giving "headrights",which means, anyone who had paid his own passage was given 100 acres. Those given the land grants, had to pay a fee to the Lord Proprietors.
By giving them huge pieces of land.
This is how fire is controlled from cradle to grave in all areas of fire outbreak.
cavemen controlled fire using cocks, hahahha
Its not fire! shes just getting controlled
By the water
A lord
VIKINGS took over land controlled by Slavs
Roman Empire ruled most of the known land at the time.
Yes. Electrical current that is not properly controlled can result in a fire.
Happy Land fire happened in 1990.
A controlled fire would be easier to aim at, so a candle.