well, im stuck on the same thing and my friend says that it shows how badly they were raped and how they like men and stuff....basically that about it
was a converted muslm, who at first was a black supremeicist, but then he realized that we all needed to be equal, and became a huge player in the civil-right movement
The Temperance Movement started mainly in housewives. They were fed up with seeing their husbands drunk and and fed up with the violence that came out of their drunk husbands. The ideas of temperance were mainly spread through the pulpit. Once temperance groups began proliferating throughout the U.S., the movement became political and it was passed in 1919 as the 18th amendment to the Constitution.
Abolitionists did not like slavery and worked to end it. They gave speeches, held meetings, wrote newspapers, etc. Some famous abolitionists are Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown.
The AICS (American Indian Cultural Support) website includes links to various state "chapters" of the American Indian Movement as well as much more information. Contact the AIM group in your own location or the Governing Grand Council; they will explain that no payment is needed to join, simply commitment. See the link below for the AICS website:
how defenata the strength and weakness
avoid the noid
the movement of the continent i :-)
Evening rise of temperature is common in tuberculosis.
explain graphically the movement along the demand curve
the movement and behavior of atom.
Populism - usually translated as "a political doctrine or movement that supports the interests and ideas of the "common" people against those of what they see as a "privileged elite" - has met with varying degrees of success, so it can't be generalized as either a failure or a success.Basically failure or success depend on the practical realism and sustainability of populist "anti" policy goals, and it is often the lack of long-term practicality that does many populist movements in.An example is the populist movement that brought Hugo Chavez to power in Venezuela, but whose policies proved only sustainable as long as high oil prices were there to fund them. In the USA, the Tea Party is a typical populist movement that feeds on a traditional distrust of central government as a matter of principle by many working class citizens. In other countries, in South America and Europe, populist parties have become more mainstream, but even there they can only maintain their popularity as long as they can 'sell' the realism of their goals to their supporters.So basically populism as an 'anti' movement will be a success as long as there is a strong gut feeling against something, plus the feeling that there is a realistic chance of change. As soon as it is percieved that goals may be unrealistic (or mainsteam politics manage to absorb its ideas in some form) populism tends to lose its appeal.
Continental drift is the movement of the earth's continents across the ocean's bed relative to one another. There is no disadvantage as such of this theory however it has certain weaknesses. One of the weakness is that people could not explain the forces that caused these continents to move such great distances.
the movement of the continent i :-)
nothing XD
the act of walking