How has Barack Obama improved the quality of living for black people?
Suburbs started when segregation became illegal. White people left city when black people started to move into their neighborhoods. When the white people moved out black people moved into the vacant houses and then true white flight began. With the establishment of a large portion of residents living in the suburbs the interstate highway was molded around making it convenient for these people to commute back and forth to the city. This is one way that suburban living changed American society.
some people would be plantation owners and own slaves and make them work the crops and other stuff. or they would be a black smith making weapons for the militia or tailors making clothesand by onwing land
Used to, blacks were considered outcasts, and shunned from public. White people were rulers around the time of slavery.
More Black Slaves.
White people are not cooler than black people or anyone else & black people are not cooler than whites or anyone else. Everyone is the same; no better, no worse.
it has improved because people are more cleaner nowerdays
what was it like for black people in mississippi 1933
they have black people
The Black peoples education improved after the 1950's as there were many court cases and the civil rights ... ?
He improved rights for black and coloured people.
only thing that i can think of is some black people and a few white people stay in the hood and white people and a few black people stay in the suburbs.
I think that America has improved because now more black people appear in films and on television, eg. Eddie Murphy and will smith whereas only 28% of black American males end up in prison ; 4% of whites. So this tells and shows me that America has improved than before. Also most of America has improved. Most black people who were not doing great are now top like Michael Johnson a brilliant black us athlete won olympic gold medals in the 200m and 400m. Black people continue to be poorer than white people on average but if most black people are becoming famous than that is not true. Overall i think that America has changed because before no black person was famous but now there are a couple of people. So this makes me think that America is improving and has changed a-lot over years. More of America has got famous for something.
There is no official data on the exact number of black people living in Saudi Arabia. However, there is a significant population of black expatriates from various countries living and working in the country.
Black is a shade ... But to answer your question you would have to look where there is the most "black" living... and the answer to that is Africa because that's where the most concentrated of "black "people live...