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It varies with the job or product involved. The term generally means how well people work together or in concert. To a mountain fur trapper who works alone, cohesiveness means nothing. To a football team, cohesiveness is the only thing that will keep from losing the game badly.

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Q: How important is cohesiveness to productivity?
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What correctly depicts the relationship between group cohesiveness and group productivity?

When a group is too cohesive, productivity can suffer.

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dear sir i think that the informal groups in organization increased the cohesiveness which is important to make a comfort environment dominated which lead to increasing the org. productivity. regards GHITW

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system productivity is a very important function for improving productivity in any unit. we can say with the help same input using we can maximize our output or productivity

Why is productivity important to economic growth?

because the better the productivity the better the nations economic growth.

Steiner's model of group productivity 1972 reference?

Steiners modelSteiners suggested that a team is more than individual talents coming together. He suggested that group productivity could be measured by the following equation:Actual productivity = potential productivity - losses due to faulty group processes.Steiner's model of group performanceAP = PP - FP—Actual Productivity (AP) is the team performance at a given time during a game or event and refers to the extent of successful interaction.—Potential Productivity (PP) is the maximum capability of the group when cohesiveness appears at its strongest.—Faulty Processes (FP) are the factors which can go wrong in team performance.

Is productivity important?

Because it is very productive

Why productivity is important?

Because it is very productive

What is Labor Productivity and how is it important to economic growth?

Labour productivity is defined by the OECD to be "the ratio of a volume measure of output to a volume measure of input" OECD Manual: "Measuring Productivity; Measurement of Aggregate and Industry-Level Productivity Growth. Labour productivity is important to economic growth because without it no one would be working.

Is it true that Individual productivity is more important than group productivity?

HECK YES! lead and they will follow..

Identify the benefits and disadvantages of cohesive groups?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Group Cohesiveness & ProductivitySupervisors form workplace groups as part of departments, such as human resources or marketing, and to complete projects needing the work of more than one employee. Work teams become cohesive as the team members learn about each others' personalities and strengths and weaknesses. Managers and team leaders may take steps to improve group productivity. Productivity measurements for groups include team-building activities and morale boosters.Group Cohesiveness AdvantagesOver time, members of cohesive groups develop shared values and team loyalty. The familiarity of team members creates smoother, more-effective communication. When working toward a common goal, individual team members bring varied skills and points of view to the project. Group members can fill in for each others' lack of knowledge or shortage of skill. Group Cohesiveness DisadvantagesGroup conformity and group-think are two of the potential hazards of high group cohesiveness. Group conformity happens when teams members adopt similar behaviors, usually in an attempt to fit in or to reduce disagreements between group members. This set of behaviors becomes the group norm. Team members conforming to group norms may cause lowered productivity or lack of creativity and innovation. Group-think happens when individual group members lose the ability to think for themselves and rely on the group to make their decisions. Group Productivity AdvantagesProductivity comes from increases in employee production, measured as units per hour. Productivity may also lead to elevated levels of innovation. Efficiency in technology, labor and management lead to higher productivity rates. Group productivity methods deal with labor efficiency and motivating employees to work harder. Managers may attempt to influence the group by creating high-productivity group norms. Group productivity and cohesiveness may be gained by the team sharing success and status. Group Productivity DisadvantagesWhile there is little disadvantage to productivity, failed attempts to increase productivity may have adverse affects. Managers attempting to duplicate the positive affects of success may manufacture success by setting easier group goals. This leads to teams who underproduce while thinking they're overproducing. On the other hand, attempting to raise productivity by setting the bar too high can lower morale when team members fail to reach the goal.