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America is a super power because of its ability to overcome all the other countries on the earth. they have big money savings and a powerful leader, also they can afford to have big missiles manufactured for them personally

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15y ago
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15y ago

The US's economy is the main reason behind their global power. Until this recent economic downturn the US's economy was able to finance all of its spending. Including its military and technological spending which has put it ahead of the whole world.

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16y ago

The reason the United States is a powerful nation is because we are the only country in the world whose inhabitants are from EVERYWHERE. The belief in each other as citizens of this country to help one another, empowering our children to become citizens of the world. The United States has its heroes, those people willing to work together to make the world a safer place for EVERYONE. Our society was built from the misfits of the world, who wanted to provide a democracy that encompassed every person, which is so stated in our US Constitution.

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10y ago

The United States of America is the leading world power because it made huge profits out of two World Wars, leading to it being able to afford what no other country could afford in the immediate post-war years. Its rise to power started with the nations innumerable Natural Resources which led to rapid industrialization.

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17y ago

Because of our large investment in the military, and all that goes with it. The weapons, the men and women ready to go to war, and the money we are ready to spend to insure victory.

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10y ago

The United States is powerful because of its economy. That strength creates power because of the amount of money that flows in and out of the nation.

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14y ago

The US accounts for 43% of global military spending and is a leading economic, political, and cultural force in the world.

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13y ago

United states isn't the super power, it is a binary power meaning U.S and Great Britain are the super power countries combined

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Q: How is the US a superpower?
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Why was world war 2 a significant event to the United States?

because of us participation and victory in wwii, after the war the us emerged as a superpower and world leader.

What countries is most influenced by the US?

The US is perhaps the most influential country in the world as it is the only global superpower today. Some countries that are heavily influenced by the US include Canada, the UK, Australia, Japan, the Bahamas, and Israel.

Why might world war 1 might affect the us?

World War I affected the US by making it in charge of all other world powers. In other words, the war boasted the country into becoming the world's superpower.

Why is the midway islands a territory of the us?

I beleive you mean why ARE the midway islands a territory of the US. Well, from the mid 1800's to 1900, America was an imperialist nation. It was eager to expand. In addition to becoming more involved in foriegn affairs, the US sought colonies. It gained territory in the Carribean and the Pacific through the Spanish-American war. However, Midway was simply declared US territory and has been ever since. No debate, no conflict, no purchase, just it's mine because I want it to be....that's kinda how we are today. Every fight is our fight....every problem is our problem....blah blah blah....why? Because I want it to be! Well, we have a responsibility as a superpower....

How did the United States become important in world affairs?

America's rise to world-power status came in three stages: 1-As the newly emerged industrial giant in 1880-1910, American steel, grains, and crude oil output matched and exceeded that of Germany and England, enabling the United States to expand it's military. America's overwhelming and easy victory in the Spanish-American War forced the Europeans to consider the U.S. as equals. 2-The French and British armies had collapsed in WW1, and only American military might and industrial strength saved them from surrender in 1917. The world's post WW1 economy was dominated by the United States as the Europeans tried to rebuild their war-shattered economies and infrastructures. 3-WW2. Very simply, the United States industrial strength armed the world against the Germans and Japanese, and the subsequent Marshall Plan and it's equivalent in Japan cemented America's status as a superpower.

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What superpower did the US have?


Which superpower was the first to create the atomic bomb?

The US built it, but was not quite a superpower at the time. The US and USSR became superpowers a few years after the war.

What was the role of the US after the world war 2?

The US turned into a superpower

The US had the most global influence during the century?

The US grew greatly in global influence in the 19th century and became a superpower in the 20th century. The US is still a superpower in the 21st century.

How do you use the word superpower in a sentence?

After the Cold War, the United States emerged as the world's leading superpower. Even as a superpower, the US cannot enforce all of its policies on the rest of the countries in the world.

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Make love, not war. Is the USA really a superpower? It should have twice of its current military power to be considered a superpower, taking on account that......

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It was the end of two superpowers, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the world It was the end of two superpowers, leaving the US as the sole superpower of the world

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What is the state of being dominated by one superpower especially the US called?


How did the us defeat the axis powers in World War 2?

In the World War 2 period there was no one power that could be called "the World Superpower" so the US did not defeat it. At present some call the US "the World Superpower." Whether that is a valid description or not is a matter of opinion, but even if true it is still not possible for the US to defeat itself so the US has never defeated "the World Superpower."

Long term contributing factors of America becoming a superpower?

You mean long term contributed factors of Americas becoming a superpower. Google military-industrial complex. but also as an American its pretty obvious that simply freedom has made us a superpower.