The congress of the United States passed the first Equal Pay Act in 1963. The second one was in 1970. The congress of the United States passed the first Equal Pay Act in 1963. The second one was in 1970. The congress of the United States passed the first Equal Pay Act in 1963. The second one was in 1970.
The British passed the intolerable acts so that they could get Americans to pay off their war debt.
Because the King was taxing the colonists too much and they did not want to pay taxes
forced the colonists to pay taxes.
equal pay for same work done by male worker
Equal Opportunities and Equal Pay, Race Relations and Sex Discrimination, Working Time Directive, Disabled Persons Acts
Type your answer here... because many of them sated that they had to pay taxes on unreasonable things such as paper
Type your answer here... because many of them sated that they had to pay taxes on unreasonable things such as paper
The Equal Pay Act was intended to prohibit pay discrimination based on sex by mandating equal pay for equal work performed by employees, regardless of gender.
the importance of the intolerable acts was that it was a tremendous change for the colonists and for what they did,they had to pay for it.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963.
The Equal Pay Act.
Yes of course they are. Why wouldn't anyone be entitled to equal pay for equal work?
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 mandated equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, so technically women were granted equal pay with men in 1963. However, the gender pay gap still exists due to various factors.
Right to own property, Right to vote, Equal pay
In order to pay off their war debt they heavily taxed the colonist and past many acts which were unfair to the colonists. These acts include the intolerable acts, the townsend acts, and also other taxes such as the stamp,tea ETC...
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