The Cherokee Indian tribe was one of the few indian tribes to live in log cabins, and were very advanced at the time.cherokee
Four: the creek, the chickasaw, the choctaw, and the seminole.
The most common Indian tribe known for using horses is the Sioux. Many think the Iroquois and Kwakiutl Indian groups also used horses.
There aren't. There are at least 116 more tribes.
their are 45 in the state of North carolina today
6 major tribes
There are many Indian tribes alive today
diseases and genocide
There were many Native American Tribes in the land that became Massachusetts. They included:AgawamNipmuckWampanoagMassachusettNarragansettNashawayNaumkeagNausetPaometPatuxetPennacookPocomtucPomkapoagSucconet
The Huron and Alagonquin
They were ancestors of many Indian tribes,so it was probobly similar to their language.
about 1/3 of tribes
Indian tribes celebrate many spiritually related events with festivals and rituals. They celebrate with ceremonies for the seasons, healing and harvests.