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Q: How many awards did Eleanor Roosevelt win?
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What awards did Eleanor Roosevelt win?

Her accomplishment was Peace Prize , controversial peace prize.Her accomplishment was Peace Prize , controversail peace prize.

Did Eleanor roosevelt win a peace prize?

No, she was just nominated. She should have, though.

Did Theodore Roosevelt win any awards for boxing?

qouck to the tardis bambumbam

Who was the first US first lady to win a public office?

Hillary Clinton was the first to win an elected office. Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed to be a delegate to the United Nations.

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how many awards did Mary Pope Osborne win?

How many awards did Victoria win?

she won awards

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He has 32 awards.

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6 awards

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He won 13 awards

How many awards did the sopranos win?

It won 100 awards

How many awards did Rihanna win at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards?

She was nominated for a couple, but did not win any.

How many awards did Bella Thorne win?

she has won 4 awards .