Looks like about 190 days. http://thomas.loc.gov/home/ds/s1101.html
That means they weren't in session for about 175 days.
The US Senate has 16 standing committees
Alaska has two members in the Senate and one member in the House of Representatives.
2 Senators serve for each state, so there are a total of 50*2=100 members in the Senate
109 it also met 109 in 2006
According to an email from right wing blogger Cheri Jacobus: He logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. According to FactCheck.org: Wrong. That's not the number of days the Senate was in session. From the time Obama was sworn in on Jan. 3, 2005, until the day he announced his exploratory committee on Jan. 16, 2007, the Senate was in session 304 days, according to the Secretary of the Senate's official count. But why only count the number of days the Senate was in session? Senators work even on days when the Senate is not in session. Don't you get paid for days you go to work, even if you don't have a staff meeting that day? And why stop counting on the day Obama formed his exploratory committee? He was still a Senator at that time. Don't you get paid for days you go to work, even if you are thinking about getting another job at the time? The actual number of days that Obama was a Senator is from January 3, 2005 until he was sworn in as President January 20, 2009. That's 1478 days.
Every two years They work for the state while the senate is not in session
In 2007, there were 16 women serving in the United States Senate.
About 78 days in session. It's explained here http://www.unclejayexplains.com/2007/09/03/uncle-jay-explains-the-news-september-3-2007/
If not in session, the governor has 20 calender days to take action. If he does not meet this deadline, the bill becomes law. If it is vetoed, it is dead until the next session.
2007 had 365 days.
I believe the answer is 3 days
There were 31 days in December 2007.
12 weeks
The length of Congressional sessions varies from year to year. In the past decade the Senate has been in session for an average of 162 days, and the House of Representatives has been in session for an average of 142 days.