There have been many immigrants who came to America from the Caribbean over the years. There have been over 3.5 million immigrants who came from the Caribbean.
They came because they wanted their rights and freedom that they didn't get from their homelands that they have came from.
The Native Americans were the first immigrants to America. They are believed to have begun migrating to America from Asia about 15,000 years ago. Serious migration to America from Europe began about 1500 CE with the movement of people from Spain, and under Spanish rule, to build the Spanish Empire in America. Migration from other European nations became significant in the early 1600s Significant involuntary migration from Africa began in the mid 1500s with the movement of slaves from Africa to America to replace the Native Americans of the Caribbean, who did not survive slavery well. Significant migration from other parts of the world began in the 1late 1700s.
More than 1,000 Puritans came to Massachusetts, America in 1630.
Many people felt that immigrants stole jobs from native-born Americans and that their willingness to work for very low wages lead to a decline in wages everywhere. Additionally, many nativists (anti-immigrant activists) felt that the cultures and religions of the foreigners were too different from America's to every have a chance of assimilating.
One hundered six
How many immigrants came to ameracia between 1840 and 1860
Because so many people came to the Caribbean as colonists, slaves, or immigrants.
the Dakota badlands
645. My grandpapi came on one.
over 9000
How many immigants into the united states from latin America in 1970
If you mean immigrants traveling to the US, then the answer is many places. Some places they came from were Italy, Sweden, other European countries, Asia, and in the present day Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. Those are only a few of the many places they came from.
United States
Angel Island
13.5 million
Immigrants traveled to many places across America and may not have had someone to stay with, so they stayed where ever they could afford to stay. If they had any, immigrants stayed with family or friends after they came to America. Other immigrants came as indentured servants, so their employer provided living quarters. Some came to claim land to homestead, so they would travel to the area which was soon to be open for homesteading to stake their claim.
Like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America because they were facing persecution (or experiencing prejudice) because of their religious or cultural beliefs. Also, like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America seeking a better life for themselves and their family, and economic opportunities that were not available to them in the old country.