

How many meals do Indians eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Native Ameracians eat two main meals a day.

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How many meals do Indians eat a day?

How many meals Indians eat per day depends on the Indian. Some of them may eat three meals a day, while others eat less.

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Four meals a day.

What meals do Indians eat every day?

Dal and rice, sometimes naan or another type of bread

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Five to seven meals.

How many meals do people from India eat each day?

They have many different meals, but each day they have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Inbetween their meals they have different Indian snacks. So basicly they eat as many meals as us each day!

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4 meals a day, two cold and two hot meals

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4 meals pr day at least

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A person on a diet should eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day.

What do people use to eat many of Japanese meals?

The Japanese and other people use chopsticks for many of Japanese meals.