Two hunderd and two passengers left England on the Mayflower ...REFER TO LINK POSTED @ BOTTOM OF PAGE ...
The Mayflower wasn't designed to carry passengers like a cruise ship. It had a state room or maybe two, one for the Captain and one for the Executive officer then in the front of the ship was the Forecastle where the deck hands slept. The pilgrims probably slept in the cargo hold next to their belongings. The Mayflower was a transport merchant ship.
500 (average)
there were 102 passengers on the may flower
There are many sizes of helicopter from 2 seaters to those that will carry about 60 passengers.
how many passengers can the largest helicopter hold
That would depend upon the size of the helicopter, wouldn't it. I have seen tiny one-man choppers, and huge ones. The Russian Mig 6 could carry 90 passengers, but the current largest passenger helicopter, the Sikorsky S-92, can carry 19 passengers.
There are many different helicopters, the biggest can carry over 100 passengers. Most commercial helicopters seat about 16-20 passengers
The largest helicopters don't carry people. The largest passenger carriers I can think of are the Russian Mi-26, which can carry about 90 passengers.
it really just depends on the helicopter
There are so many small and medium helicopters there is no such thing as "regular" . Most helicopters other than large military ones, carry between 4 and 8 passengers.
Depends on the helicopter. The late model Chinooks can carry over 50 passengers (not 50 combat troops )
Because... due to the limited number of passengers a helicopter can carry - it would make each journey prohibitively expensive.
Helicopters carry from 1 - 90 passengers
Over here you can carry as many passengers as the car is designed to carry.