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Q: How many people in new hamphire?
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What does the NH in Manchester NH stand for?

New hamphire Manchester is a city in new hamphire

Who found new hamphire in 1629?

I never knew their was a "New Hamphire". I just thought there was a "New Hampshire"

What direction is New Hamphire from Connecticut?


What direction is new hamphire to Connedicet?


What is the first capital of new hamphire?

concord NH

What are two cities in new hamphire?

Concord and Manchester

When did New Hamphire become a state?

June 21, 1788

What is the state flower of the New Hamphire?

The New Hampshire state flower is the Purple lilac.

Which state's bug is the lady bug?

Delewere,New Hamphire,Massachusetts,New York

What sate is west of new hamphire and east of new york?

I think its Vermont Im not sure

What do deer in new hamphire eat?

grass apples and corn and other vegetation

Is New Hampshire and new amsterdam different places?

New Hamphire is a state in northeastern U.S. New Amsterdam was the old name for New York City.