It's the "I Have a Dream" speech. And over 250,000 people were there from various states. It was at the Lincoln Memorial.
The American dream manifests itself many ways in the American life. For example, many people work hard to own a home and a car and get a good education.
The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be fatter and and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for eat according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to eat so much, and too many of us ourselves have grown fatter and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of pies and high calories merely, but a dream of a place were fat people can order food safely in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest food of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.
The American Dream is the basic sentiment that anyone can become anything they wish with dedication and hard work. Opportunity abounds and each man is able to make life better for himself and his family. In the 1930's people saw the American Dream in movies, sports, and even the military. The military uniforms were seen as a symbol of hope. People were suffering the affects of the great depression and needed this hope to motivate them and keep them optimistic about the future. The American dream scaled back a bit from the extravagant dreams of movies and sports to that of mere necessity.
health, wealth, and happiness is the American Dream
The american dream in the 1930s was stability, employment, and the ability to feed your family. The 1930s were the heart of the Great Depression. Unemployment was over 15% for most of the decade, and reached as high as 20%. Further, the Dust Bowl drove many people out of farming in the midwest, making them homeless as well as unemployed. The prosperity of the 20s was a memory, and people were hungry, beat, and hopeless. Alternatively, the American Dream is the number 1 single sung by the legend Susan Boyle.
with his speach I Have a Dream
hHow many minuts long was the you have a dream speach?
by saying that i have a dream speach
he did his i have a dream speach
1. Martin Luther King Jnr wrote the famous "i have a dream" speach, also many inspiring quotes. Google the rest it's all i got c:
Yes,he was the writer of his Dream speach! This is a dumb question.!
Martin Luther King Jr. was the black speaker who in most famous for giving the "I had a dream," speach. He mostly stopped segrigation, and brought white people and black people together.....
freedom of speach
At the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963.
Bernadette Speach was born in 1948.
Martin Luther King's famous speech was about him wanting to resolve the problem of racism in the American states. he said, "I had a dream when white people and black people can live with one another."
Hitler could have a crowd of people eating from the palm of his hand. Speach