Two planes hit the World Trade Center. One struck the north tower and one struck the south tower.
the twin towers where hit at about 8 45 am
There was a terrorist attack. Osama bin laden hired suicide bombers to hijack several planes and crash them into various American landmarks. Two of the planes hit the twin towers and that was the site of the worst damage. The reason it happened is because bin laden was an extremist and thought that anyone who wasn't Muslim should be killed.
The 9/11 attacks happened. The twin towers aka the World Trade Center got hit by 2 planes. Later it collapsed.
The North tower was hit at 8:46 on September 11, 2001. The South tower was hit at 9:03 on September 11, 2001.
Al-Qaeda hit 2 planes (on purpose) into WTC1 & WTC2. On 9/11 2001 the Twin Towers (WTC1 & WTC2) were destroyed by controlled demolition. The US government has claimed that the towers fell as a result of plane and fire damage but provide absolutely no valid scientific evidence whatsoever to support this theory. What evidence there is points only to the use of some form of controlled demolition.
There were no survivors.
the twin towers
Two planes hit the towers.
at the side
Yes, planes did hit the twin towers on 9/11. American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North tower, and United flight 175 collided with the South Tower.
The West end
2 planes. One hit each tower
The school that President Bush was visiting when the planes hit the twin towers was Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida.