There was never a fixed number of lodgepoles in a moyis(Blackfoot for a tipi-style lodge). The basis was always a framework of 4 tied poles; all the others were simply leaned against this base. The number of poles would depend on the size of the moyis - some were made with a cover of about 12 buffalo hides, but larger ones used 20 and would naturally need more poles.
While Crow tipis used very long poles (having about 10 feet of pole showing above the cover), Blackfoot poles were always shorter (about 6 feet taller than the cover).
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There was no standard size for tipis in any Plains tribe - each extended family had a tipi large enough to house all its members easily.
Blackfoot tipis were usually in the range of 12 to 20 hides (the number needed to make the cover) - clearly smaller tipis needed fewer hides, larger tipis needed more.
Very small "toy" tipis were given to young girls who learned to make the cover, set up and take down the small version. This gave them the skills for dealing with the full size tipi later in life.
See links below for images:
The kind of houses that the Blackfoot tribe live in is a teepee. A teepee is made of three to four main poles and about 20 other poles for support. For the cover of the teepee it took as few as 14 and as many as 42 buffalo hides sewn together with sinew. They had a hole in the top for the smoke to get out of, and their door was on the east to shelter for wind
Some interesting facts about teepees is that they were made with buffalo hide that had been tanned, sewn together, and braided together. The doorway flap was always positioned toward the east and two flaps were cut on the top section to allow smoke to escape when cooking.
All the Blackfoot tribes lived in tipi-style lodges called oyis in Blackfoot. Some tipis were painted with designs typical of this group of tribes, using mainly red and black paint - a band of colour (red, for example) around the lower edge might have a row of white circles representing puffball mushrooms (symbolising fallen stars), while another band of colour (such as black) was painted at the top. In between might be figures of animals.The link below takes you to an image of a modern reconstruction of a Blackfoot lodge:
The Blackfoot word is minikxiw
The Blackfoot's last hereditary leader wasMountain Chief (Ninastoko), 1848-1942